Transfer Your Files Across Devices

My-Transfer is an app that allows you to temporarily upload files to access them across devices. All files are automatically deleted after 1 day to ensure your privacy and security. You can find the source code for this app here. To install My-Transfer as a PWA on your mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. Open My-Transfer in your browser on your mobile device.
  2. Click on the "share" button for iOS or your browsers menu.
  3. Click "Add to Home-screen" or your browsers install button
  4. Launch the app from your home screen.

Why I Created My-Transfer

My-Transfer was created to test out the developer experience using Next.js with App router, Vercel and Tailwind CSS. Core functionality is powered by UploadThing and Vercel Postgres. I wanted to build a simple and user-friendly app that allows you to transfer files securely across devices without worrying about file storage or privacy concerns.